Flexible assistance with Assessment and Development Centres

Assessment Centres are the most valuable way of comparing good candidates for a new role (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) viewpoint). Professionally run they can be a useful learning and career development experience for all participants. Research has shown that well run assessment centres can predict future performance of candidates, and thus provide the best person for the job.

Impartiality in the process is important, as it will keep your process as free from bias or subjectivity as possible. Assistance can be provided by Shirley Hurdle, qualified assessor and human resources professional and former employee within the Fire Service.

Shirley Hurdle - is a BSc graduate, FCIPD (Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) and qualified as an Assessor to levels A&B (Saville and Holdsworth). She worked in HR and IPDS at Board level for Avon Fire and Rescue Service for 3.5 years. She worked with Sue Evans at the Fire Service College and with AD&C Ltd in the initial introduction of assessment centres on the national and regional working groups. She ran many assessment processes whilst at Avon, and was involved in setting up the Assessment and Development team and their Suite in Bath.

Shirley can help in many ways:

1. On-site assistance
a) Familiarisation seminars for candidates about to take the IToP and ADC to help them to think about and prepare themselves for the process
b) Assessing candidates at the centre-Strategic, Middle and Supervisory levels
c) Feedback sessions for candidates after they have received their results

2. Off-site assistance at Strategic, Middle and Supervisory Management levels
a) Marking the IToP exercises, both SJT’s and/or written papers
b) Marking the In basket exercises

Shirley provides a personal and flexible service to meet your needs. She has already assisted many Fire and Rescue Services for example Avon, Cornwall, Devon and Somerset, and Wiltshire and for regional events for example for West Midlands, North West, and Yorkshire and Humberside and can provide references on request.

Contact details:
E mail - shirley@cranbornehouse.co.uk
Telephone - 01953 885443 or mobile 07725 761970

Email us